PURE Insights, Volume 11 (2022)
Item set
PURE Insights Volume 11 - Full Issue
Fall 2023 INSIGHTS cover design
Ruben Ramirez Alvarez -
On Flowering My Father's Grave
Trinity Herr -
Working at a Hospice Facility
Josh Paulter -
Josiah S Liljequist -
An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Elder Abuse and Neglect in Long-Term Settings
Noelle A Haury -
Joking With a Heavy Heart: Bo Burnham as the Modern Underground Man
Jasper K Beck -
Ensuring Latinx Mothers Feel Valued in Schools to Promote Student Success
Daisy Macias -
How Trigonometry Can Solve a Murder
Delaney N Bishop -
An exploratory study: Focusing on advocacy services for low-income older adults in Oregon
Maya R. E. Herb -
Know The Truth Campaign
Carrie Visuano -
Fear and Frustration: A Qualitative Analysis of the Social and Political Impacts of COVID-19 on U.S. Older Adults
Kacie Ryden