Increasing Inpatient Autonomy Through Self-Administration of Medications (SAM)


Increasing Inpatient Autonomy Through Self-Administration of Medications (SAM)
Casi Healy
Kevin Wyler
Kelsey Dangaran
Amy Goodwin
Joseph Einri
Marissa Aguilera
27 May 2021
Text; Image; MovingImage; StillImage
Abstract The purpose of this poster is to highlight a Performance Improvement Project (PIP). The PIP addressed a recent increase in hospital readmissions for joint surgery patients related to medication mismanagement post-discharge. The objective was to propose a solution to reduce readmissions through increasing inpatient autonomy. Existing literature and current practice guidelines were reviewed. A standard survey was created and distributed to gather healthcare professionals’ opinions on areas of improvement. Additionally, the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model was selected to provide a framework for the project. Evidence indicated the self-administration of medication (SAM) could address the aim of increased autonomy, including increasing the patient’s knowledge of medications. Previous SAM research studies have shown an increase in medication adherence. Increased medication adherence has a positive impact on hospital readmission rates. A SAM program proposal was designed as a test of change to be implemented in the virtual acute care orthopedic setting. If proven effective, the SAM program would be implemented hospital-wide. To implement this intervention, the authors recommend a three-leveled system of SAM, supported by an interdisciplinary team during the course of the patient’s hospital stay. Limitations included are the current COVID-19 pandemic, obtaining staff buy-in, and liability concerns.
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