Employers to Students: 9 Lives Softwares


Employers to Students: 9 Lives Softwares
Lauren Hiland
Matthew Stroud
Ray Gottsch
26 May 2016
For employers who desire a different way to evaluate students as potential employees for their company. The Employer to Students application is a web application that will provide Oregon companies with a new way to assess local students for potential job opportunities. Along with using traditional tools such as job applications and resumes, Employer to Students will also allow companies to gather information such as contact information through the information provided in student's personal profiles. This gives companies a good perspective on potential student employees, and allows companies to assess which students they believe would be most beneficial to their company. Students will also be able to upload a resume to the site that will address their personal accomplishments, such as research experience, publications, or projects the student has participated in. A recruiter can send a student an email on an email forum, and a student can reply to that email. Unlike current job finders, Employers to Students will give companies the ability to post projects that students can work on. This will allow students a glimpse into the type of work a company takes part in, and will enable the students to test if their personal skills and interests fit a specific company's needs. This will also allow the companies to see which students have the skill sets they are looking for.
This presentation was delivered on May 26, 2016 at Western Oregon University Academic Excellence Showcase (Monmouth).
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Computer Science
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Scot Morse