Digital Hijinks Capstone - Project Roadtrip


Digital Hijinks Capstone - Project Roadtrip
Michael Caldwell
Bradly Christensen
Noah Castle
Lijian Nian
28 May 2020
Text; Image; MovingImage; StillImage
Have you ever asked yourself, “Hey, I want to plan a road trip- Google Maps is great for finding a route to take. There are event planning websites out there that allow me to organize the details….and even social media apps that keep me connected with my friends. Maybe I could invite them! I wish there were a convenient hub that wrapped all these features up together for me.”
Well your wait has come to an end.
Planning a road trip can be quite the hassle. After doing a great amount of research into similar web apps, we found that none of them took all these aspects and brought them together. Our project idea makes the lives of our users more convenient, and those who want to plan an intricate trip can now do so quickly and accurately. Our project, Roadtrip, combines trip planning and organization with social media features to allow our users to easily navigate the difficulty of creating a road trip from start to finish- while also integrating key social features to keep them connected. These features include: auto-generating an optimal route with the Ant Colony Optimization (ACS) algorithm; saving routes for future use; gaining access to details of different establishments along your route; and creating events- of which any user can join you on your trip; among many others.
Here, we present a short video- meeting the team, demonstrating our progress so far, and discussing future visions.
This presentation was delivered on May 28, 2020 at Western Oregon University Academic Excellence Showcase (Monmouth, OR).
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Computer Science
Faculty Sponsor
Becka Morgan