Windows Into Comfort: Exploring Mindfulness Through Art


Windows Into Comfort: Exploring Mindfulness Through Art
Quinlan Wedge
Exit Requirement
Undergraduate Honors Thesis
Date of Award
Honors Program Director
Gavin Keulks
Faculty Advisor
Jodie Garrison
As the climate changes, wealth disparity increases, and war and disease rage on, it can be easy to lose sight of the positive aspects of life. Because people endure these daily stressors, they require and deserve access to services, therapies, and activities that bring them comfort, security, and pleasure. With this project, I aimed to find an artistic endeavor that allowed me to make my own escape from the realities of the world into one of comfort, something that I could look at and instantly feel better, and I knew I could do that by combining two subjects that interest me: architecture and animation. I began this project by planning and designing the subject of the paintings: Studio Ghibli movies and windows. I chose three different window styles and three different scenes from Studio Ghibli movies that appeal to me. Next, I considered why I had chosen animated films and windows as my subjects and researched them both. I applied a psychological lens considering why windows are important, emphasizing their benefit on mental health, and I reflected on why I think animated films are valuable as well. Once learning enough about my subjects, I combined the window frames and the landscapes into three cohesive paintings. I designed and cut the wood shapes and painted them. After completing my works, I contextualized and reflected on my project. I have produced a collection of artwork that addresses both architecture and mental health and well-being. It is my hope that my work will show windows and animation from a more introspective mindset and inspire others to create their own comfort spaces through art.
Text; Image; StillImage
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