A Guidebook to a Bilingual Education System from a Firsthand Perspective


A Guidebook to a Bilingual Education System from a Firsthand Perspective
Grace Livengood
Faculty Sponsor
Jaime Marroquin
Gavin Keulks
Bilingual instruction has swept the educational system in the last few decades, and gained a lot of attention even though the idea has been present for a very long time in our country. I had the opportunity to be a part of a bilingual educational system in my public school experience and was one of the first cohorts to complete this kind of program in my hometown of Salem, Oregon. This first-hand look has given me insight into how certain aspects of the program are excellent and how others may need to be improved. In this guidebook, academic research as well as my own personal thoughts based on my experiences will give a thorough view on the various parts of the bilingual education programs in the Salem Keizer School District. My goal in this project is to look into different components of an educational immersion program that will benefit all types of learning but are mainly targeted at those that are being taught in two languages. Teaching a second language should not vary so much from our typical English instruction, though I concede some things may differ. If we are truly wanting to make our children bilingual, some of the components of the second language education should coincide with that of the mainstream education, because that aids in a deeper understanding of both languages and illustrates how both languages are shown as equally important to the families participating in immersion programs. This handbook looks to open a larger discussion on bilingual education so that improvements could be discussed in order to create programs that benefit people of diverse backgrounds, learning styles and those seeking to truly become bilingual.
Honors Thesis
Honors Program
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