A Short Course on Rotation from SWPA to USA


A Short Course on Rotation from SWPA to USA
Alfred P. Maurice
Text; Image; StillImage
Ship Returning - WWII Drawings.
An application for "A Short Course on Rotation from SWPA to USA" with a description of the course and purpose of the two week course on readjustment to the gentler life in the United States. Color illustrations on either side of the title and one of a ship crossing under the Golden Gate bridge.
Maurice explained that when the war was over they wanted men to re-enlist so they offered them news they could go home for a 3 month leave and them go back into the Army. Most of us wanted to get out of the SWPA (Southwest Pacific Area). When they went back home for their three month visit they had to be a gentleman. Maurice created the illustrations for this Manual of Behavior while someone else did the writing.
Page 1: Application and Introduction
Page 2: Lessons 1-3; women, sleeping, and breakfast
Page 3: Lessons 4-6; bathrooms, belching, and dinner
Page 4: Lessons 7-9; alcohol, language, misplaced belongings
Page 5: Lessons 10-12; movies, civilian, using toilets
Page 6: Lessons 13-15; opening bottles, drinking, meeting a lady
In Copyright: 2017 -- Hamersly Library knows this item to be in copyright, which is held by Alfred P. Maurice. No permission is required from the rights-holder for educational uses.
Spatial Coverage
Pacific Ocean