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Inclusive approach for marginalized groups in the interpreting field
Kristeena Martinez
When there are no words: ASL/English interpreter practices with alingual and semi-lingual deaf immigrant children
Roselia M. Fichera-Lening
What is available for potential deaf interpreting students? Obtaining a snapshot of colleges that offer a B.A. or B.S. in Interpreting Studies
Tiffany Green
Video relay service interpreting: interpreters’ authority, agency, and autonomy in the process of ethical decision making
Kathleen C. Holcombe
Unlocking the Mysteries of DeafBlind Interpreting
Krystle A. Chambers
Trends in Teaching Pre-Assignment Preparation Strategies in ASL-English Interpreter Education Programs
David M Rice
The transition from participation to facilitation of supervision: an autoethnography
Daniel V. Maffia
The Start of Something New
Leslie Ann McCuan
The role of emotional intelligence in signed language interpreting
Brenda Puhlman
The Importance of Voice and the Power of Narrative: Developing a Workshop for Sign Language Interpreters
Ali Ann Artis
The good, the bad, and the ugly: Students report on experiences with instructors in interpreter education programs
Ann Adamiak
The Black Perspective: A Need for Representation and Inclusion in ASL/English Interpreter Training Programs
Jordyn Beal
Supervision in signed language interpreting: Benefits for the field and practitioners
Jenna Curtis
Social workers’ cultural competency with deaf clients: a continuing education module
Audrey W. Ulloa
Secondary educational interpreters: role ambiguity and role strain
Rhoda Smietanski
Safe/unsafe: the impact of horizontal violence, microaggressions, and decision making control on ASL/English interpreters
Sarah Hill
Roles, conflicts, and disclosures: American Sign Language/English interpreters’ adherence to best practices in legal settings
Sonja W. Smith
Real-world shock: transition shock and its effect on new interpreters of American Sign Language and English
Stephanie A. Meadows
Quality of life for deafblind individuals: Comparing the effect of living with and without support service providers
Sheridan K Lachney
Professional is Not Just a Title: The Value in Reclassifying Pennsylvania's Paraprofessional Educational Interpreters
Marilyn P Sterner
Playing! It’s All for Fun! Or is it? An Examination of Play in the Field of Sign Language Interpreting
Jazmin Vollmar
Perception in American Sign Language interpreted interactions: gender bias and consumer orientation
Colleen Jones
Navigating language variety: ASL/English interpreters “giving voice” to African American/black deaf signed language users
Nicole Shambourger
Moving toward allyship: a current climate of agent skill sets of hearing ASL-English interpreters
Jessica Minges
K-12 Educational Online Job Posts: Titles, Descriptions, and Qualifications
Anne Carlson
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