Implementing Inquiry-Based Learning in Social Studies


Implementing Inquiry-Based Learning in Social Studies
Lindsey Shriner
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
This research paper examines the instructional strategies and student outcomes of
inquiry-based learning (IBL) in social studies. The desired student outcome is to increase student
engagement in social studies. When considering my research question, I came to the conclusion
that I would like to find how to implement inquiry-based learning to raise perceived value, or
relevance, as a way to increase engagement, in my students’ relationship with social studies. In
connection with the INTASC standards, this question responds to standard #8: Instructional
Strategies. I often find that students do not enjoy social studies and I think that a large part of the
disdain for it is that people find it irrelevant and removed from their lives. I find that social
studies is the exact opposite; it is exactly the point, to study and learn about the historical events
that led us to our current and future moments. In integrating more inquiry-based learning,
students not only improve their awareness in life, but are allowed the option to dive into their
own curiosities and make history and the world around them more relevant.
Findings of the study showed there was an increase in student engagement in the content
through the implementation of inquiry-based learning instruction. This was due to an increase in
student responsibility and decision-making in their learning, as outlined in the principles of
inquiry-based learning. Student engagement increased with less structure placed on the
instruction and when students were asked to think more critically and engage with the content.
Through integrating more inquiry-based learning, students not only improve their awareness in
life, but are allowed the option to dive into their own curiosities and make history and the world
around them more relevant.
inquiry-based learning
Committee Member
Xiaopeng Gong
Tyler Bentley
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