Leveraging Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy, Thought Partners, and Technology for Collective Efficacy in the Instrumental Music Classroom


Leveraging Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy, Thought Partners, and Technology for Collective Efficacy in the Instrumental Music Classroom
Baylor Turnbow
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
The instrumental music education classroom is no stranger to collaborative learning framed within a culture that values community. Developing collective efficacy in this setting could be a particularly power tool for fidelity in curricular outcomes. I selected three practices that could be leveraged by a pedagogue to facilitate collective efficacy and reviewed literature on culturally sustaining practices, teacher self-reflection, and technology in music education. I identified three questions to guide my research of my own pedagogy: How has my educational praxis developed to support the facilitation of a community of learners? How has reflection with qualified thought partners guided my curricular planning and instruction? How does my integration of technology in the classroom support a music curriculum? By collecting data from lesson plans, formal feedback from qualified thought partners, and journal entries, I found that I am leveraging each of these practices with positive student outcomes. The data suggests that I proficiently facilitate cultural competency within a rigorous curriculum derived from my students’ cultural funds of knowledge, but critical consciousness is not being adequately developed. My work with qualified thought partners resulted in pedagogical changes to assessment and instruction, improving student outcomes. While a music production curriculum embedded in an instrumental education scope and sequence can produce positive learning outcomes, and is a pedagogical value of mine, the data indicates that it is not currently being deployed in my classroom. Finally, technology is deployed as a tool that further builds on students’ cultural funds by scaffolding relevant supports and also serves as a tool to facilitate assessment.
Committee Member
Joshua Schulze, Sarah Massey
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Date Available