My Readiness and Progression: A Student-Centered Approach


My Readiness and Progression: A Student-Centered Approach
Brady Blatchley
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
My Readiness and Progression: A Student-Centered Approach
Action research is a self-study conducted by teachers to look at specific areas of their practice to identify potential weaknesses and where they might be able to improve. This research looks at a novice teacher, their readiness to teach, and how they progress during a student teaching experience. This study looks at areas of practice that would complement each other, and that any novice teacher would be able to implement in the classroom. This research identifies inquiry-based instruction as a superior form of learning instead of the typical rote learning method widely used. The readiness to teach through inquiry-based instruction is paramount for creating relevant, engaging, and research-based lessons that will direct student learning. The job of a teacher is to prepare students to be successful participants in society. This means students need to understand how power, privilege, and oppression affect the everyday lives of each citizen; This research identifies criticality as a method of accomplishing that goal. Criticality helps students understand how those three elements work through reading and writing, and how they might impact their surroundings. The last area of focus in this study is differentiation. Differentiation is a crucial component to making content accessible to all students, no matter their ability level. This study posits that inquiry-based instruction, criticality, and differentiation when used in tandem create challenging and engaging lessons that will inform every student, and prepare them to be successful in our ever-changing society.
Committee Member
Jaclyn Caires-Hurley, Ryan Dearinger
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Date Available