Critical pedagogy and physical education


Critical pedagogy and physical education
Ben Bauman
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
Action Research Project
The purpose of this action research project is to examine my own teaching practices and look at how I can improve those practices and make a learning environment that is both inclusive and challenging for all students. I specifically looked at how I can use the teachings and philosophies of Paolo Freire to improve the learning environment. Before collecting and analyzing data I took a deep dive into the workings of Freire and tried to find ways to incorporate those philosophies into my teaching. Some of the big takeaways that I found from the research were that the learning environment needs to be more student-centered and allow for discourse among students and teachers. I collected data through field notes, observations, and document analysis. I analyzed that data and found some interesting results and found some great ways to implement them into my teaching. Overall this process provided me with some great techniques and improved me as an educator.
Committee Member
Joshua Schulze
Kyla Van Voorst
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