Creating Meaningful-Culturally Responsive Art Learning Experiences for Secondary Students


Creating Meaningful-Culturally Responsive Art Learning Experiences for Secondary Students
Kimberley Tzung Mei Vu
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
Action Research Project
This action research documents my growth as a teacher during my teacher preparation program with a focus on how I can adjust the existing lesson plans to be more choice-driven and culturally responsive. With an increasing population of culturally and linguistically diverse students, there is a need to implement instruction that is responsive and meaningful to all students, and for students to gain exposure to different cultures so they can navigate socially, develop empathy, and be culturally competent in working with an increasingly diverse population. Providing an enriching curriculum in which differences can be celebrated in a classroom environment can be achieved by using a culturally responsive framework which will serve as a guide to my action research study.
Modifications that I will use to determine the effectiveness of my teaching and to find patterns to engage students' learning are choices for students, simplification of the instruction and project, providing additional language support, and infusing equity into my art lessons. Although these modifications have helped increase engagement within my classroom, there were areas in which can be greatly improved upon in my teaching practices. As a whole, this research has helped me to see which areas were lacking or could be further explored.
Committee Member
Marie LeJeune
Marie Zens
Melanie Landon-Hays
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