Where is the Power to Change the World? Using Storytelling to Achieve Quality Learning


Where is the Power to Change the World? Using Storytelling to Achieve Quality Learning
E James Omelina
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
Action Research Project
It’s festival time and everyone is singing and dancing. Rising to the stage, The High Aldwin approaches the four candidates for his apprenticeship. He intones, “Forget all you know, or all you think you know. All that you require is your intuition. The power to control the world is in which finger?” He then spreads his fingers out and invites the candidates to pick one. Each candidate chooses. Except Willow, he hesitates. He is seemingly ready to pick one of his own fingers but then he changes his mind and selects one of The High Aldwin’s fingers. The High Aldwin then declares that there will be no apprentice this year. (Howard, 1988) If you have ever seen Willow, you know the answer to this question. If you haven’t seen this marvelous collaboration between George Lucas, and Ron Howard, I highly recommend seeing it. I am going to spoil this scene at the beginning for those who haven’t seen it. In a later scene The High Aldwin answers the question for Willow. The answer is one of your own fingers.
The High Aldwin from Willow exemplifies INTASC standard 2. The teacher understands that each learner’s cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical development influences learning and knows how to make instructional decisions that build on the learns’ strength and needs. (Council of Chief State School Officers, 2011, p. 10) Storytelling is student based and I have decided to focus on this standard while answering the question, “Is quality learning achieved through storytelling?
Committee Member
Joshua Schulze
Andrew Spellman
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