How Social Emotional Learning and Restorative Justice Practices Cultivate an Inclusive Drama Classroom


How Social Emotional Learning and Restorative Justice Practices Cultivate an Inclusive Drama Classroom
Delaney Barbour
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
Action Research Project
During the course of this Action Research Project, or ARP, I studied the relationship of restorative justice practices and the community, inclusivity, and social emotional learning of a middle school drama classroom. My classes began every day in an intentional restorative justice circle over the research period, answered a predetermined check-in question, and wrote reflections in a personal journal. In order to gather data on the effect of the morning circles, I had them make journal entries, I answered daily journal entries, and recorded supervising teachers’ observations. In addition to those data points, I collected two anonymous surveys, one at the beginning of the research period and one at the end. These various forms of data collected revealed an overall positive trend towards students’ feelings of belonging, community, and inclusivity from the introduction of the restorative justice circles to the end of the data collection period. Limitations I encountered included disruptions in class time for mandatory state testing and lockdowns in response to various threats. However, even with those limitations in mind, the overall effect that restorative circles had on students’ sense of belonging and community was positive.
Committee Member
Marie LeJeune
Joshua Shulze
Nicole Accuardi
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