Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Teaching Literacy Skills in Math Class


Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Teaching Literacy Skills in Math Class
Robert A Krause Jr
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
Action Research Project
The purpose of the action research project was to determine Culturally Responsive teaching strategies in the classroom as well as what strategies best support students developing literacy skills in a mathematics classroom. Through a literature review, I was able to gain a better understanding of these strategies and how to use them in my classroom. I focus on the following three research questions: 1) What Culturally responsive pedagogy will help create a Culturally responsive environment in my classroom? 2) What Culturally responsive teaching strategies will I implement in my teaching to better support all students? 3) What strategies are the most effective in developing students' literacy skills in my mathematics classroom? To answer these questions, I analyzed my lesson plans, observations, and personal journals. The goal was through answering these questions was to gain a better understanding of which strategies students responded well to and which allowed them to grow in their mathematical and literacy knowledge.
Committee Member
Joshua Shulze
Tara Heikila
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