Supporting Students’ and Educators’ Mental Health and Emotional Needs Using Culturally Responsive Pedagogy


Supporting Students’ and Educators’ Mental Health and Emotional Needs Using Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Jessica Anne Lane
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
Action Research Project
The use of focused relationship-building exercises can be of benefit to all students, regardless of background or situation, as it helps promote a sense of community in the classroom and provides a space where students feel seen and heard, beyond just the academic. Language arts classrooms are uniquely positioned to foster these environments, as students explore different facets of the human experience through literature. The core philosophical goal of assisting students’ in the development of strong and stable mental health in the context of the English language arts classroom is supported by culturally responsive pedagogy, as affirming and supporting students while creating bonds and building relationships is shown to increase their connection to their educational community.
With the implementation of relationship-building exercises in the classroom, it would be of benefit to ascertain whether such exercises have a measurable impact on students’ classroom engagement, both socially and academically. Exploring and analyzing this activity can help inform future classroom methods wherein educators use an expanded awareness of the impact of such actions to develop teaching and relational methods to benefit students.
Committee Member
Xiaopeng Gong
Lin Wu
Hillary Fouts
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