Increasing Opportunities for Integrating Makerspaces into Rural Elementary Schools Professional Project


Increasing Opportunities for Integrating Makerspaces into Rural Elementary Schools Professional Project
Edward M Nichols
Degree Name
Master of Science in Education: STEM Education
Project Type
Professional Project
This professional project explores the potential benefits and challenges of integrating makerspaces into rural elementary schools. Makerspaces offer experiential learning opportunities beyond worksheets and screen time, a more student-driven approach supported by both the tenets of constructivism and constructionism. This learning style can deepen students' understanding of core concepts and engagement in STEM and other academic subjects. School-based makerspaces also benefit students by introducing 21st-century skills such as communication, collaboration, and problem-solving in elementary schools. The maker movement, which began in the early 2000s, encourages participants to design, build, and experiment with various materials and tools. Adopting a school setting provides an integrated education option for schools and their teachers. While makerspaces have become increasingly popular in urban and suburban areas, rural schools face unique challenges when implementing them.

Drawing on existing literature and information collected from rural school educators allows the identification of critical strategies for overcoming these challenges and increasing opportunities for integrating makerspaces into rural elementary schools. Creating a dynamic website to support educators in bringing maker education to their schools is outlined. This site contains resources for funding, lessons, projects, and research to support implementation. Educators are also encouraged to have a voice by asking questions and posting resources themselves. In addition, I have also facilitated multiple professional development sessions designed to familiarize rural teachers with the implementation of makerspaces. Through careful planning, collaboration, and creative use of resources, makerspaces can be integrated into rural schools. When successful, this integration provides students with engaging and enriching learning experiences that prepare them for success in a rapidly changing world.
Committee Member
Joshua Schulze
Gregory Zobel
Cristina Trecha
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