Is Art the Answer?: The Effects of Burnout and Art as Therapy for Interpreters


Is Art the Answer?: The Effects of Burnout and Art as Therapy for Interpreters
Libby Byrne
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Interpreting Studies
Project Type
Action Research Project
This action research will explore the use of art as therapy and the theoretical framework of
metacognitive practice in relation to stress and burnout. As a novice interpreter, I understand that the demands and stress can take a toll on interpreters. Copious amounts of stress on the body can lead to underperformance, lack of motivation, and draining of one’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. My goal was to examine and analyze my symptoms of stress and burnout in correlation to art as therapy. The action research covers burnout among interpreters and how self-care methods, particularly art as therapy, can help prevent and reduce burnout symptoms.This study was conducted through reflective journaling and perceived stress surveys after completing art as therapy activities. It includes the effects of burnout, what art as therapy is, its different forms, and how utilizing this self-care technique can be a beneficial tool to reduce stress and prevent burnout. This action research documents results indicating lowered stress and burnout symptoms after engaging in art as therapy activities.
Committee Member
Amanda Smith
Elisa Maroney
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