A Place for Everyone: Exploring Diversity, Inclusivity and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in the Theatre Classroom


A Place for Everyone: Exploring Diversity, Inclusivity and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in the Theatre Classroom
Madeline Williams
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
This Action Research Project focuses on the year I spent as a teacher candidate in the theatre department that offered class to students in grades 9 through 12. I primarily explored the diversity in theatre curriculum and reflected on my own inclusive practices and implementation of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. Through the analysis of collected artifacts I have been able to reflect on the initial design of my curriculum, lesson plans and activities and how they can be improved when implemented and taught in the classroom. I can conclude that the framework is present throughout my curriculum and lesson plans but only at an initial level. There are many missed opportunities that would have allowed for deeper connections to the student’s interests and ideas when looking at performance styles and patterns across them. I have to find the balance between fostering positive rapport with my students and asking them to engage with their outside interests in the classroom. I can also conclude that there is the opportunity for students to be exposed to diverse theatre practitioners but that as a leader in the classroom I need to make more intentional space to discuss their work and its importance in both historical and modern forms of theatre.
Theatre, Curriculum, Diversity
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