Inclusion of Students with Autism in Mainstream General Education Classrooms


Inclusion of Students with Autism in Mainstream General Education Classrooms
Robert Michael Redfield
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
This action research project sought to discover which pedagogical practices and strategies were best for students with autism in my sixth grade general education classroom. A review of the relevant literature failed to provide any actionable strategies beyond the generalized, yet ubiquitous, findings that inclusion of students with autism in a general education classroom with their typically developing peers is beneficial to all students in the classroom. In an effort to supplement the gap of knowledge in the extant literature, I subsequently embarked upon a data collection effort in my classroom that, in theory, would help elucidate the nature and efficacy of placing students with autism in a general education classroom. While some students with autism succeeded in a general education classroom, others did not. In order for students with autism to be successfully included in general education classrooms, teachers will need to utilize various pedagogical strategies and create detailed support plans that go beyond a student’s IEP. Likewise, school districts will need to cope with the gap between theory and practice by ensuring sufficient paraprofessional support for each student with autism, while providing teachers and paraprofessionals with the training and tools they need to create the inclusive classroom mandated by law.
Classroom, Autism, Inclusion
Committee Member
Xiaopeng Gong
Amy Bowden
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