Promoting Student Agency and Engagement Through the Use of Inquiry Based Learning in the Science Classroom


Promoting Student Agency and Engagement Through the Use of Inquiry Based Learning in the Science Classroom
Terry Marcey
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
This Action Research Project seeks to determine ways that inquiry based instructional practices can benefit students in the science classroom. The specific research question of this study is: How can inquiry based instructional practices be used as a mechanism to increase student engagement and agency? In this study, I analyzed themes from a variety of artifacts of data that I collected from self-generated sources such as lesson plans and external data sources such as formal observation feedback from my mentors throughout this program. I used a literature search to conduct an analysis of the evidence of inquiry based practices promoting student engagement and learning and student sense of agency. After analyzing the literature I performed a data analysis of the artifacts I collected to determine key themes related to three scientific inquiry practices: asking questions and defining problems, planning and conducting investigations, and developing and using models. I also analyzed the data for themes related to two InTASC teaching standards: Learner Differences and Learning Environments. I sought to answer how I can better connect with my students individually, engage them in meaningful learning tasks that are relevant to their life experiences and cultural backgrounds, and facilitate a greater sense of student agency through providing more choice in the learning tasks that students engage in.
Committee Member
Joshua Schulze
Danny Ortiz
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