The Pre- and Post-release Impact of Religious Programming on Inmates in America


The Pre- and Post-release Impact of Religious Programming on Inmates in America
Kyla R. Riddle
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Criminal Justice
Project Type
With levels of religiosity declining among the American population, the impact and significance of religion within the American correctional system must be questioned. This study investigates the effect of inmate involvement in religious programming on the inmates’ behaviors, attitudes, and institutional relationships during incarceration and recidivism rate post-release. This allows for consideration into the worth and effectiveness of religious programming as a form of rehabilitative programming within the American correctional system. This was done through the compilation and analysis of online journal articles and published research containing secondary data relating to the variables. Articles were coded to allow for themes to be analyzed across the literature. Findings revealed that there is a negative relationship between religious programming and crime, delinquency, and institutional misconduct, and there is a positive relationship between religious programming and adjustment and coping as well as prosocial attitudes and behaviors. Recidivism was found to have a nuanced relationship with religious programming posited to be due to extraneous variables, but it was generally found to also have a negative relationship with the independent variable. This study presents a unique perspective regarding the topic of religion and crime, specifically, the impact of religious programming on the lives of inmates during and after release and offers suggestions for future research and application of findings to the operation and further support of religious programming within American correctional institutions.
Keywords: religious programming, behaviors, attitudes, institutional relationships, recidivism, incarceration, rehabilitation, religion, crime, corrections
Committee Member
Omar Melchor-Ayala
Mari Sakiyama
Terry Gingerich
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