Campus Gardens as an Answer to Food Insecurity and the Health and Well-being of College Students


Campus Gardens as an Answer to Food Insecurity and the Health and Well-being of College Students
Rick Tingle
Degree Name
Master of Science in Justice Studies
Project Type
Food insecurity is a major concern on college campuses and has been known to affect student health and wellbeing and ultimately academic success. Campus Community Gardens (CCGs) have been found to be an answer to food insecurity by offering fresh vegetables and nutrition as well as healthy social connections. The purpose of this research is to explore successful methods of establishing a sustainable garden on a university campus. To find out what worked and did not work for these gardens, a review of successful working models from campus garden programs provided details on how that information might be applied to future garden programs. I used the Western Oregon University (WOU) Library database to find sources concerning food insecurity on campus relating to the health and wellbeing of students. These sources were reviewed and considered. The findings presented evidence explaining the ways in which CCGs can enhance student health and wellbeing by providing nutritious food at no cost. CCGs also offer an excellent opportunity for social interaction. Additionally, the importance of interdepartmental cooperation for program and social sustainability was identified, and the significance of community outreach and accessibility for garden activities was clarified. The results indicated that CCGs can be an effective medium for multidisciplinary cooperation, and therefore, program sustainability. The study is relevant because it offers insight into the elements necessary for the establishment of effective economic, environmental, and socially sustainable campus gardens so that Western Oregon University and other programs might benefit. This research offers significant findings relevant to the body of knowledge on this subject.
campus community gardens, food banks, food insecurity
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