Cloud Storage Applications and Cloud Platforms: Analysis, Trends, and Uses


Cloud Storage Applications and Cloud Platforms: Analysis, Trends, and Uses
Rui Zhang
Degree Name
This project was submitted as part of the requirements for the Masters in Management and Information Systems program.
Project Type
I have been an international student studying five years at Western Oregon University, which is nestled among the hills and rivers. Not only does the campus provides a safe haven and an extremely beautiful study atmosphere, but it also provides an advanced knowledge of science and technology. This assignment is my graduate final project. Before choosing the topic that I would like to research, I asked myself, what habit has made the biggest difference for me in this five years of overseas life and study. The most obvious changes were I gave up flash drive USB and have used to cloud storage, like Google Drive, Apple cloud, and so on. Nowadays, the USB flash drive has been abandoned, but us still needed sometimes for computer-to-computer file transfer at home. Cloud storage especially appeals to those have ever lost important data on a failed or lost the flash drive. Cloud storage is a new substitute for the older storage way. The explosion of cloud storage is all the rage from the small tech companies to the large, wealthy tech giants Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft, and which is one of the most significant trends of this decade. With the rapid development the amount of data, all industry has also become critically dependent on data availability. Nearly everyone is looking forward to accessing their data continuously and quickly from any device system, at any time, from any location. In order to obtain the accurate trend data of the Cloud platform, this professional project analyzes the cloud storage industry market value and development especially Amazon’s AWS (Amazon Web Services)- S3(Amazon Simple Storage Service). The research will explain what is physical implementation back to the cloud. With the cloud storage becoming more and more popular, is cloud storage suitable for all customers? Therefore, this paper will compare their respective performance and prices. It will also create a AWS account and access the AWS S3 cloud storage from a programmer’s standpoint and make a low-level demonstration on my Mac OS operating system.
Committee Member
David Olson, Scot Morse, Randy Palmer
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Date Available
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Computer Science