The New Sharing Economy: How Developing Technologies Enable Dramatic Changes to Our Lives


The New Sharing Economy: How Developing Technologies Enable Dramatic Changes to Our Lives
Donglin Yu
Degree Name
This project was submitted as part of the requirements for the Masters in Management and Information Systems program.
Project Type
Consumption is an essential part of people's daily lives. With the development of information technology and the popularity of the internet, people's daily consumption behavior is undergoing great change. More and more goods and knowledge individual consumers have are being shared, and the "sharing economy" is becoming a mainstream industry. As the sharing economy becomes more and more popular around the world, a lot of companies try their best to provide products or services within it. There are many opportunities for companies within the sharing economy, as well as many risks.
At first, this research project introduces the correct understanding of sharing economy, and presents an integrated overview of what the sharing economy is. Secondly, it focuses on the knowledge management to analyze how most sharing economy companies use this new method promoting their operations. In the third part, in order to research how Uber gets the location information of users, this paper uses Google Maps API to create a simple website. Nextly, it makes an investigation of two new popular sharing economy companies(Airbnb and Uber) to understand the attributes that make them successful, and illustrates how existing mobile services help them provide necessary components in their daily businesses based on their mobile applications. Finally, the paper analyzes the common characteristics of failed companies may provide insight into success focusing on the bike sharing companies in China.
Committee Member
David Olson, Scot Morse, Paul Disney
Western Oregon University Library has determined, as of 05/31/2023, this item is in copyright, which is held by the author. Users may use the item in accordance with copyright limitations and exceptions, including fair use. For other uses, please ask permission from the author.
Date Available
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Computer Science