Traditional Commerce Meets Big Data- e-commerce Era Has Arrived


Traditional Commerce Meets Big Data- e-commerce Era Has Arrived
Dongxue Leng
Degree Name
This project was submitted as part of the requirements for the Masters in Management and Information Systems program.
Project Type
project will compare the different sources for Coach handbag, circular saw and red wine. It allows us to examine the advantages and disadvantages of each source. It is important to understand the process for starting a store on each of these platforms. Each of the platforms has advantages and disadvantages. A comparison of hosted commerce and self hosted commerce allows companies to make an informed choice. Using the Magento platform to demonstrate the building of the main components of an online site, this demo can show inventory, sales, and how to add products. An e-commerce platform like Matengo, provides the resources to customize and host an online store.

More and more people would like to choose online shopping. When the market is growing rapidly, companies are supposed to have better opportunities to make money. Traditional stores are typically limited to serving customers within a reasonable driving distance from their stores. Many traditional commercial businesses would like to break out of this situation and move forward with e-commerce to increase sales and profits. Many e-commerce platforms provide services for building online stores, such as Amazon, Ebay and Yahoo. When a business wants to use one of the e-commerce platforms to build an online store, they need to know the conditions and requirements for establishing an online site. In the process of using online store operations, management and payment processes, the business will encounter security risks. Business needs to know how to use online stores to serve their advertising needs, promote products, and manage large amounts of customer data.
Committee Member
David Olson, Scot Morse, Anna Mahony
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Date Available
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Computer Science