A Journey of Growth Through Practicum: Research Based Strategies of Differentiation, Planning, and Content Pedagogy


A Journey of Growth Through Practicum: Research Based Strategies of Differentiation, Planning, and Content Pedagogy
Darcie Gutierrez
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
An Action Research Project completed during a full year of student teaching practicum which included a literature review, research questions/goals, data collection, and analysis. The overarching goal is to ensure that teaching candidates improve and heighten their skills with research backed theories and processes. Research was gathered based on three more detailed and personal questions/goals: What is differentiation, and what does it mean in a classroom setting to students, to educators, to a school, and to a community? How can using a research-backed strategic planning method, or combination of methods, improve my planning, instruction, assessment and adjustments throughout my student teaching and subsequent career? What skills and knowledge am I missing from my pedagogical understanding of secondary social studies, and how can I apply newly acquired information into my student teaching? I used the research to plan and teach throughout my practicum. I gathered data using videos, lesson plans, cooperating teacher and university supervisor feedback, and students work samples. With the gathered data presented, I did an analysis of the information in relation to my research questions. The determination is that applying the research, I was able to reach the overarching goal of improving my teaching skills. I also thoroughly answered my research questions with data and researched backed expertise.
Keywords: Differentiation, Universal Design for Learning, Technology
Committee Member
Melanie Landon-Hays & Amy Bowden, Deborah Parker
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Date Available