Can Lesson Plans and Effective Teaching Strategies Create an Inclusive Classroom?


Can Lesson Plans and Effective Teaching Strategies Create an Inclusive Classroom?
Holly Blakely
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
The purpose of this project is to create an inclusive classroom that becomes an environment that students learn in. I am going to be looking at the InTASC standards #1 and #2 and how my teaching aligns with them. I am hoping that by analyzing my teaching and my lessons plans, my planning for an inclusive classroom will become more deliberate and also more of a second nature for me. I am also hoping that by creating this environment, I will see that disruptions in class or other behavioral issues will go down because I am using my lesson plans to work with their needs and skill abilities. I want my teaching to be more of a group lesson instead of finding myself teaching or talking at students. The research supports the need for inclusive classroom but does not touch much on how the effective teaching in the inclusive classroom can lower the disruptions or need for discipline. I am hoping to see that my work in the classroom will have a positive result. I will analyze my lesson plans, use feedback from my university supervisor and my mentor teachers and use self-reflection and journaling to see if I am creating an inclusive environment for the students in my class. I will see how I implement effective teaching styles in my inclusive classroom and how that that affect possible disciplinary issues in the classroom.
Committee Member
Joshua Schulze, Donna Pierson
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Date Available