Effective Lesson Planning for First Year Teachers to Encourage an Equitable Learning Environment


Effective Lesson Planning for First Year Teachers to Encourage an Equitable Learning Environment
Madalyn Grieb
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
Action research is a process of inquiry, design, and data collection used by professionals in any field. It is a branch of research whereby an element of one’s work is examined and reflected upon to yield knowledge and relevant information pertaining to the topic of study. I am doing this action research project because I value the importance of self-development and believe that I can start teaching on a stronger note through this research. In addition, it is great practice for me in the future to test my teaching strategies. Through this research, my connection to the material has grown and developed for the appreciation that it takes to take on a well-researched strategy into the classroom. I became fascinated with the importance of building an equitable learning environment for a diverse group of students. From the Masters of Arts in teaching program at Western Oregon University my interest in the lens of students with IEP/504 plans, ESL learners, and the backgrounds of indigenous people has grown. For example, for IEP/504 students using a web based system there are some advantages and disadvantages that the teacher should be aware of before beginning. Ensuring the system will be effectively achieved in paying attention to the student’s growth and development (Kowalski, 2009). In relation, INTASC is an acronym for Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium. States, districts, professional organizations, teacher education programs, and teachers use the INTASC Standards as an additional resource to develop policies and programs to prepare, license, support, evaluate, and reward today’s teachers. states, districts, professional organizations, teacher education programs, and teachers. Through the INTASC standard that explains how the teacher can understand students that come from a diverse culture, background, ability, or community to ensure an inclusive learning environment that enables each learner to meet high standards.
Committee Member
Kenneth Carano, Kyle Calder
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