How Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Evidence-Based Practices, and Focusing On the Long Term Benefits of Art Education Affect Teaching


How Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Evidence-Based Practices, and Focusing On the Long Term Benefits of Art Education Affect Teaching
Genevieve Hardin
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Teaching (initial licensure)
Project Type
This Action Research Project will be informed by INTASC standards. These standards make sure that teachers are held to rules that encourage good teaching and act as borders in which that good teaching should take place. It is also informed by my own philosophy of education. It is difficult to pin down any one philosophy of education that I unequivocally support. The conclusion that I have come to is that the best teaching is more an amalgamation of theories. It shifts and evolves to fit the students at hand, and is ever growing.
My focus for this research was how Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP), Evidence-Based Practices (EBP), and focusing on the long term benefits of art education will affect my teaching. I also wanted to see if any of the practices within these ideas are more effective than others.
This Action Research Project (ARP) will be exploring my own teaching and how I can improve it. My action research here will also improve my ability to study my practice going forward. This is especially important for me, as flexibility and adaptability are two of my main personal goals for my teaching. I hoped to learn which of my practices are helpful, and which are unhelpful.
My ARP shows how Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Evidence-Based Practices, and focusing on the long term benefits of art education interact when put together in a classroom. It also shows where these practices support, hinder, or run alongside each other. I found this by comparing my results with other research that has gone into these three things separately.
This paper uses journaling, assessments, and lesson plans to analyze my own practice and set goals. I also have collected images of what I have written on the whiteboard and in powerpoint slides. I found that my students understand my teaching better after the inclusion of . I will keep track of everything in google doc folders. I am placed at a rural highschool in a classroom of mixed grades that teaches many types of art, but is more focused on three dimensional work.
Committee Member
Melanie Landon-Hays & Amy Bowden, Lauren Cooney
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Date Available